Password Resets
There are 3 ways in which an employee’s password may be reset if they have forgotten it.
Employee Resets Their Own Password
An employee may reset their own password to the system if they have a legitimate e-mail address. Have the employee follow these instructions:
- Go to
- Click on Member Login in the upper right.
- Click on the Forgot your password? link.
- Enter your e-mail address and click Submit.
- An e-mail will be sent with instructions to reset the password. Note: The link is valid for 24 hours from the time of receipt and can only be clicked on once.
The e-mail will come from Please check your spam or quarantine to find the e-mail. Also, ask your IT department to whitelist the information below in order to receive e-mails. Whitelisting ICBA’s email domain does not affect your bank’s email security or deactivate your spam filter.
- IP addresses ( and,
- domain, and
- main email address
LMS Administrator Resets Employees Password
An LMS Administrator can reset an employee’s password within the ICBA website. Follow these instructions:
- Go to
- Click on Member Login in the upper right.
- Enter your e-mail and password for your ICBA account.
- Click on My Account in the upper right corner.
- Scroll down to the Organizations You Manage box. You may click on Manage Roster next to the specific branch that the employee is located at or if you are not sure which location, you can click on Manage All Rosters.

- From this screen you can filter and sort the report in several ways to find the employee you want to reset or simply click to each page until you find the individual (listed in last name alphabetical order). You can choose from any of the dropdowns at the top of the screen and click the Filter button or you can click on any of the column headers within the Organization Roster to sort.

- Once you find the employee, click the Edit button on the left side of the screen next to the individual.
- Tab or scroll and click to the “New Password” field.
- Enter in a new password and enter it again in the “Confirm Password” field.
- Click the Save button on the left side.
- The employee will receive an e-mail from stating that their password has been changed.
The employee will not be prompted to change their password upon login once you have reset it. We recommend you have them change their password to something only they know once they’ve logged in. Provide the employee with the following instructions:
- Go to
- Click on Member Login in the upper right corner.
- Enter your e-mail and the password provided to you and click the Login button.
- Click on My Account in the upper right corner.
- Click on Change My Password found at the bottom of the list in the “My Account Links” box on the right side of the screen.
- Enter your new password twice and click the Save button.
- You will receive an e-mail from stating that your password has been changed (if you have a legitimate e-mail address).
Employees who do not have a legitimate e-mail address, may change their e-mail address this same way. They just cannot reset their password on their own if they have forgotten it.
CBU Team Member Resets Password
You can contact a CBU team member at or call 1-800-422-7285 to have the password reset. If CBU resets a user’s password, they will receive an e-mail that their password has been reset (if a legitimate e-mail is on file).